Preview - Pnom - Particulate Nature Of Matter

Exploration 1 - Sources of Error


Please answer the questions below.

Write a full scientific explanation using your answers to the questions on the previous screen to guide your writing. Be sure to also draw connections between evidence cited and the claims you aim to make!

Check which modeling assumptions you believe were oversimplified in the computer model, and should be changed in order to explore how odors move across the room more realistically?

The spacing between gas molecules
The speed of gas molecules
The gas molecules move in straight lines until they run into something else
The shape of gas molecules
That only gasses (and not liquids) could be included in the containers
That the space being modeled was of 2D instead of a 3D room
That solid walls were not modeled as being made of molecules


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.